Message from Jacquie & Magda

Dear Co-Radicals

It was so good to meet up and talk. The weather was miserable but everything else was not: interesting papers and a great atmosphere of shared purpose.

Despite the time set aside for discussions we seem to have run out of time anyway. So the debate about who and what we are will have to continue through blogs for a while.

Connections made over sandwiches and meringues will no doubt develop – hopefully into shared projects, but equally usefully into ways of getting support, sympathetic hearing and mentoring.

On this note, we would like to say thank you to Nilam Ashra, the only PhD student around our radical roundtable. Your presentation has truly brought something we have not quite seen before in public relations research: so thank you for your guts and best wishes for the next few months. See you on the other side of your viva and looking forward to seeing you in print.

Jacquie and Magda


One response to “Message from Jacquie & Magda

  1. Of course, thanks to Nilam for her involvement and congratulations for her paper.

    Meringues…. Ahhhh!! The meringues!!!
    Do you know? The Real Madrid Football Club supporters are known as “Meringues” (I don’t know why, but the team’s T-shirt is white…). Perhaps it would be a good name for Radical PR “supporters”!

    All the best,


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